Home » Acupuncture, Laser, & Homeopathic Care in Billings MT
With a wide range of hobbies and interests to pursue, pets are proving to be increasingly popular lifestyle companions. So when the question arises of whether or not acupuncture can have a positive influence on your pet’s state of health and wellbeing, you might be tempted to dismiss it as an unnecessary addition. However, this is definitely not one of those instances where you should judge acupuncture. In fact, there are proven benefits for both you and your pet if acupuncture therapy is administered.
Vaccinations are especially important for animals with immature immune systems like puppies, kittens and other young animals. You want your pet to live a long, healthy life, but due to cost and the debate, the idea of vaccination can overwhelm you. Could your pet still be perfectly fine without vaccinations? Or is he/she entitled to maintain good health? We can help you decide on a proper vaccination plan for your pet.